As the victim is in the movie
This was probably the largest crowd I have seen at the event to date. The line when I left was still a block long and that was before the festivities had really begun.
A lot of originals out there I found amusing such as these guys from Sesame Street.
Columbus Idea Foundry Representing
Angry Bird and Ritchie and Margo Tenanbaum
From another party we went to which was Saturday Night I saw the coolest way to decorate apple cider/punch for a party. They were apples carved to look like Faces with Cloves for the eyes!
It very much reminds of that scene from Lord of the Rings where Frodo
gets sucked into the Dead Marshes or the Inferius from Harry Potter and
the Seaside Cave.
The Log Lady from Twin Peaks and a Lumbar Jack
Very appropriate together
Cheetara and Cleopartra
The Doctor #11 & 10
And a super ghetto Sonic Screwdriver
I also went to Por Vida Saturday but that really needs it's own post to give people credit for their amazing artwork. I had a lot of good friends put up some amazing things in the show.
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