Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Welcome to Instagram

Now with the release of Instagram for the Droid I have jumped the bandwagon. It's so easy now to take those instant photos with just my camera phone. The quality isn't as good but it works for the instant. I like to think of it as digital Polaroids where the quality isn't so great but the memories are there. It captured my weekend in Chicago pretty decently but I also have photos from my DSLR to upload. That is the other convenient thing of this whole Instagram is that I don't have to pull out additional cords or mess with a SD card to bring it up on the web Instantly.

A new shape of eyeliner that I've been dabbling with. It makes me look a little bitchy and I am OK with that.

The now classic feeling of vintage Singer sewing machine wall from All Saints now open in Chicago.

My new buddy Gustav the Ram but I like to call him a Goat because it works better with his name.

My new shoes from Top Shop for only $70 on sale! this picture doesn't even do their shine justice.

The other nice thing about Instagram is that is much easier for me to remember to take progress photos of work that I have been doing. I certainly don't think I could do a very intensive tutorial with them but I like to be able to look back at different stages of progress. I can also take a snapshot to post as soon as I finish a work, then I can go back and DSLR it for a quality blog post.

My weaving from class before I took it off the loom.

Bruised #2 Embroidery

Scab #2 Embroidery

Scab #1 Embroidery

Beading loom work that I started the other night.

Yup you can get a lot shared via Instagram but I'm still working on my photography skills so I get better images for the blog without relaying on pretty filters. I'm going to try and limit myself to no more then one post a week that uses my instagram photos. Otherwise you can see them on this Tumblr, or off my Twitter.

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