Wednesday night I went the first SBB Gala event where they celebrated their clients and customers and the great things that we have going on in Columbus, Ohio. It was simply lovely, I was thrilled to see Columbus out and about in their finery with our own quirky indie flavors and artists personalities, even the average joe brought it that night in terms of dressing up. There was a great crowd and so much local love and support going around. It is always amazing to me how many people I know in Columbus when I go to events such as this. I never think about it till my friends point out that I seem to know everyone there.
Walker Evans and his wife Ann representing their amazing website Columbus Underground presenting an award.
Then we had Adam Brouillette of little Industries, Couchfire Collective, Junctionview Studios and lastly Wonderland Columbus. He is a force of support for local artists and arts groups which he presented an award for.
Some of my Favorite Ladies from the Crafty Cotillion were there in High Spirits both presenting and receiving awards!
What the Rock?! Mike and Heather got Best gift store and Olivera from Wholly Craft was supposed to be presenting with Jen but she got lost somewhere
Wolf did his best girly voice and tried to fill in.
My Lady friend Rogue Magnolia aka Texas Chainsaw Sasskicker was presenting with her fellow OHRG's (Ohio Roller Girls)
There was a ton of great music, one of the bands of the night was The Wet Darlings. Whom I had seen one other time and really enjoyed them. I know they've been around awhile but I'm not not in tune with the Local music scene as I should be.
This is what I wore! I'm being so narcisstic with the camera remote. I tried to look elegant here on the eight foot cat tree.
BAM! headpiece from Janine Basil on Etsy (rhinestones done by me)
Lilo & Stitch necklace by Tragic Stitches
Toki Doki "I Love LA" Watch
ABS Champagne Strapless Silk Organza Dress
Vivienne Westwood X Melissa Wing shoes
Rosary Ring from Vatican City Rome
Rhinestone Octopus ring NYC Garment District
Vivienne Westwood X Melissa Wing shoes
Rosary Ring from Vatican City Rome
Rhinestone Octopus ring NYC Garment District
A better close up of my makeup and necklace with a little bit of coverup since I apparently wanted to just show off the goods in this photo.
This photo is when I was super sad and realized I lost my single white mink fur earring from my best friend in Korea. I miss it so much but I have already ordered some new supplies via Etsy to make myself a new one or ten.........
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