Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Brain Dead

OMPHF!  For whatever reason this week I have been totally brain dead.  Some people view it as a bad thing but sometimes it can be good to have a forced peace of mind. I attribute this to the numbing task I have right now working on a production order.  Not the normal kind of sewing I would ever do.  I also would never normally take a job such as this especially for production.  530 pieces of sewing I need to complete by Thursday, that is a tall order.  I am about halfway done and feel like a total zombie.  It is amazing how little movements can make your entire arm or body fatigued over long hours.  It's not difficult work just taxing.  Also I derive absolutely not pleasure from doing this kind of sewing. 

The nice thing about production is that because it is the same daunting task over and over again I can be brain dead and not worry to much on the details.  I'm only responsible for one part of this entire project.  I'm also getting in a lot of good time with my Ladies from Desperate Housewives.  I have put in a lot of time with them in fact an entire season watched this past week in getting this work done.  I feel like what I am doing now it is a task that Bree Van De Kamp would excel out with her compulsive cleaning and perfection personality. 

It is a little strange and disturbing that after watching the show for hours back to back I am starting to Identify myself with Bree more and more as well.  My living habits seem to reflect a more Susan style but the way my mind works is most assuredly like Bree.  That streak of confidence that follows the decisions that I make and being able to make hard decisions with a near iron facade. Yep that's about as thoughtful as I have been all week.  Nothing but sewing and TV comparisons on my brain while I finish up this production project.

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